Six Lessons from a Little Dog


This project was inspired by my dog Moustache, who passed away in November 2020. I used a mix of animated images and still images to illustrate six of the biggest lessons that she taught me and my family during her lifetime. Each illustration captures little bits of Moustache’s strong character—she was fierce and unafraid in front of large dogs and small toads, she was persistent, digging a hole in our back yard to everyday until it was deeper than she was long, she had a deep appreciation for the warm nights of Texas, sitting outside sniffing the air for hours on end, and she was so loving towards all that met her. I submitted each of these images to the Festival de la Bande Dessinée d’Angouleme’s FIBD contest (Angouleme International Comic Festival) where it was shortlisted as one of the top ten finalist for the contest.